Git is open source (free!) version control software which anybody can download and install on their computer. Have you ever downloaded something on your PC which f’d it all up, and then done a system restore to a time in the past that you knew your PC was working? That’s sort of what git can do for development projects. Each time you save a version of the project by performing a commit, a new version of the files is compressed and saved. Old versions are not written over.
You can use git on your computer without internet. When used locally, you control git using the command line. In iWorld, this is called the terminal. Using the command line can seem intimidating because most of us are accustomed to friendlier interfaces.
Besides version control, git also allows people to work on branches of code, which can be added to the main branch, or trunk, if approved.
GitHub is a code repository service which is also free. A repository, or repo, is a fancy word for the master folder of a project. Github’s main goal is to help people collaborate on coding projects. Read More »